Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Political Theater

I'm surprised this blog is still here. Some things on the internet do last, if not forever.

Anyway, I'm getting tired of reading political blogs with nothing to show for it, so maybe I'll try to boil things down for a few blog posts. That's a way to spend less time on the internet...not.

The Kavanaugh confirmation hearings have been oh so tedious. It kind of surprises me that everybody can't see through the stupidity of the Democrat objections. There's no there there, just a bunch of political theater. Red meat thrown to their base. And it works. The idiocy that comes through from lefty relatives on Facebook shows that. It is, after all, the new religion, which has replaced the Christianity that the left has rejected.

(I can't bring myself to look through Facebook except every few weeks. It's just too depressing. If it's not friends and relatives revealing themselves as virtue-signaling idiots, it's friends and relatives humble-bragging about their great vacations and perfect children.)

I've come to believe that just like people turn pidgins into real, full-featured languages, people take a bunch of (not always well coordinated) beliefs and turn them into a religion. The human brain just isn't able to constantly be sifting and judging, so it simplifies and falls back on emotion. And I find the current progressive religion extraordinarily irritating. Anti-racism, multiculturalism, identity politics, white "privilege". It's all so non-rational and without any real basis. They like to think of themselves as the "reality-based community", as much more scientific than the right, and they're nothing of the kind.

Ok, there's a few paragraphs as a stake in the sand :)

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